Sword Art Online: Integral Factor Wiki

This Dungeon is located in Tolbana next to a tree in the center of the place.

Monsters[ | ]

-Slate Boar

-Fruit Nepenthes

-Recover Flower - Blue

Room organization[ | ]

This labyrinth have five rooms.

Horunka Woods-Interior Lv11

The first room isn't have anything.

The second room is in front of the previous one. In it you are find 3 Slate Boar and 3 Fruit Nepenthes.

If after passing this room you go to the left you will find 6 Slate Boar and 5 Recover Flower - Blue.

If after passing the second room you go rectum you will find 4 Fruit Nepenthes, 3 Slate Boar and 1 tiny Boss Slate Boar.The barricade is Breakthrough.

If you continue rectum when the barricade is Breakthrough you will find 4 Fruit Nepenthes, 2 Slate Boar and 5 Recover Flower - Blue.

You end the dungeon when you kill all foes.

In Horunka Woods-Entry Lv10 is the same but all pack of monsters are reduced.

Possible Drops[ | ]

-Refining Hammer

-Glare Rigid Stone

-Glare Stone

-Record Frame M

-Record Frame S

-Coarse Stone

Score Points Rewards[ | ]

-Horunka Woods-Entry Lv10

-When you reach 600 Score Points, you get 1 Refining Hammer.

-When you reach 1200 Score Points, you get 5 Memoria Niter S.

-When you reach 2400 Score Points, you get 3 Slicing Stone.

-When you reach 3600 Score Points, you get 3 Striking Stone.

-When you reach 5400 Score Points, you get 2 Refining Hammer.

-When you reach 7200 Score Points, you get 5 Memoria Niter S.

-When you reach 9600 Score Points, you get 3 Piercing Stone.

-When you reach 12000 Score Points, you get 3 Blocking Stone.

-When you reach 15000 Score Points, you get 2 Refining Hammer.

-When you reach 18000 Score Points, you get 5 Memoria Niter S.

For every time you do the dungeon you get around 630 Score Points.

Horunka Woods-Interior Lv11

-When you reach 1300 Score Points, you get 1 Refining Hammer.

-When you reach 3250 Score Points, you get 5 Memoria Niter S.

-When you reach 6500 Score Points, you get 3 Piercing Stone.

-When you reach 10400 Score Points, you get 3 Blocking Stone.

-When you reach 16250 Score Points, you get 2 Refining Hammer.

-When you reach 23400 Score Points, you get 5 Memoria Niter S.

-When you reach 31200 Score Points, you get 3 Striking Stone.

-When you reach 39650 Score Points, you get 3 Slicing Stone.

-When you reach 48750 Score Points, you get 3 Refining Hammer.

-When you reach 58500 Score Points, you get 5 Memoria Niter S.

For every time you do the dungeon you get around 650 Score Points.
